Thursday 14 March 2013

Date for your Diary

It is that time of year again and the AGM is coming up fast. I can't believe it has been a year; twelve months that has seen so much, not least the 100th anniversary of being a public park. But we can't sit on our laurels, the park is always changing; season to season and human influence. We just need to keep up and continue with our work to make sure this local treasure continues to shine.

The AGM on Wednesday 27th March (7pm Marsden Old Hall) is the perfect opportunity for people to come along, find out what the group is about and help out where they can. Everyone is welcome because everyone has something unique to offer and as they say 'every little helps'

I hope to see you there, we'll have a brew and biscuit waiting!

PS. This is one of my favourite parts of the park, why don't you share yours with us? Tell us in the comments, post it on Twitter or upload your images to the Marsden Park Friends Flickr group.

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